Monday 26 October 2020

Halloween. Trick or treat?

Hello everyone:

We're almost in Halloween and we're learning about this tradition and so many new vocabulary. We're listening to songs while we're learning how to say: monster, bat, pumpkin...

We're listening to the songs "Knock, knock, trick or treat?" and we're making a craft about it. It is a spinner to sing the song at home.

Do you want to sing with us?


Tuesday 20 October 2020

How are you today?

 Hello everyone!!!

With Elmer, we're learning how to say our feelings and emotions. 

In class, we watched a video about the film "Inside out", in which we had to guess how she is feeling. It was really fun and we liked it a lot.

Amb Elmer, estem aprenent a dir els nostres sentiments i emocions.

En classe, hem vist un vídeo sobre la película "Del revés", en la que havíem d'endevinar com se sentia la xiqueta. Ha sigut molt divertit i ens ha agradat molt.

We also listened a song from the Colour Monster story.

També hem escoltat una canço del conte del Monstre de Colors.

Tuesday 13 October 2020


 Hello everyone!!!

As Elmer is a patchwork elephant we're working on colours. 

In class, we have watched some videos, we have listened and sung some songs and we have played some games to learn the name of the colours in English.

Hola a tots i totes!!!

Com que Elmer és un elefant de colors, estem treballant sobre els colors.

En classe, hem vist alguns vídeos, hem escoltat i cantat algunes cançons i hem jugat a alguns jocs per a aprendre el nom dels colors en anglès.



Thursday 8 October 2020

Elmer the elephant.

 Hello everyone!!!

We're back again. 

In first grade, we started working on Elmer's story. It's a story about an amazing patchwork elephant who was tired of being diferent and he wanted to be the same as the others. What's coming next? We can't wait to find it out.

Hola a totes i a tots!!!

Hem tornat de nou.

En Primer, hem començat a treballar en el conte de Elmer. La història tracta sobre un increïble elefant multicolor que estava cansat de ser diferent i volia ser com els altres elefants. Què ve a continuació? No podem esperar per a averiguar-ho.

